Introduction to Motivational Interviewing

In this training, you will learn the basics, theory, and research of an exciting modality, “Motivational Interviewing”. This has been shown to be successful with a wide array of presenting concerns, including Mental Health, Behavioral Health, Substance Use, and BusinessTeam Development. If interested in setting up such a training for you or your team, please contact me!

sEXUALITY AND GENDER in psychotherapy

The world of gender and sexuality is growing in depth and complexity. With more and more people are turning to psychotherapy for help in navigating these identities, it is our duty as professionals to be up-to-date on terms, practices, and policies that allow for deeper interpersonal growth. After this training, professionals will know updated terms within the LGBTQ+ lexicon, LGBTQ+ inclusive-practices, and expand their own understanding of sexuality and gender and how that impacts the client. If interested in setting up such a training for you or your team, please contact me!

let’s talk about sex, poly/open-relationships, kink & bdsm!

Let’s face it, if we are not creating space for clients to talk about sex, we are ignoring an essential part of human behavior and need! This can create a lot of anxiety in therapists: “How do I talk with clients about sex when my experience is limited?” “What should I do when my client talks about being attracted to me or vice-versa?” “What is my ethical responsibility when clients engage in BDSM?” “My client talks about choking during sex and I feel very uncomfortable, what do I do?”. As a sex-positive therapist, this training is meant to be a safe space to allow exploration and questions about sex that we may feel too ashamed to ask out-loud. Regardless of your experience in working with BDSM, Kink, Poly/Open-relationships (and other ethical non-monogamy), you will leave this training with tools and confidence in exploring these topics with clients. If interested in setting up such a training for you or your team, please contact me!